Gavin's getting over a cold. Guess who gave it to him? I'll give you one hint: me. Naturally I feel terrible about this, but like I suspected, it is nearly impossible not to swap germs with a two-year-old, especially when hand washing and personal space aren't their strong suits. He missed two days of daycare. Stacy stayed home with him on Wednesday and I stayed home on Friday. I had to cancel my class, but Amanda Carver was also in town so it was actually a nice coincidence. I got to spend more time with her and she got to spend more time with me and my sick kid. She's a lucky girl. Somebody please give her a job as a nurse in Chicago, thanks.
Gavin was in pretty good spirits all through his cold, though he didn't like the coughing. That made him cry a lot of the time. We kept him plied with whiskey honey and lemon shots. I'm kidding. Though my mom did give those to my brother once when he was a baby with an earache. I don't know how old he was, but he was old enough that he was supposed to go trick-or-treating with us but not old enough so that missing out on it phased him much. He was much more concerned about physical pain at that point.
So apparently I am a descendant of Lady Gaga, as is everyone in Gavin's family. For some reason "gaga" has been Gavin's latest verbal craze for the past week. At first he seemed to be using it as a form of baby talk since he's been doing that whole toddler consciously acting like a baby thing (which is
totally normal). But now he uses it a lot, in many different contexts. This includes tacking on "gaga" to the end of everyone's name. This afternoon I heard him talking to himself in his crib and he was listing the names of the people in his immediate world and gaga-fying them. "Mommy Gaga, Mama D Gaga, Laura Gaga, Jamie Gaga, Amanda Gaga, Grandma Kathy Gaga, Granny Gaga, Paul Gaga." He repeated a few on his way down the line (lists are hard to remember), but that's the basis of our Lady Gaga family tree.
Did I mention that Gavin was a bombero for Halloween? He absolutely loved his costume and he took his job
very seriously.
Pee was had on the potty the other day. People keep asking how potty training is going and my usual response is just to say, "It's going," which is not only because of the pun. But really, it's a slow process and we're not pushing it. We encourage him to sit on the potty when we go to change him and find he has a dry diaper. He sits on the potty before a bath. And we've discussed the concept of pooping on the potty when he feels ready ("I'm not ready," he said. One of his biggest concerns is that it will be a mess. "Will it be messy?" he asks if you suggest or mention the idea). But the day before yesterday was a day for small potty victories. Gavin declared that he wanted to pee on the potty, went into the bathroom and took off his pajamas, tried to take off his diaper but needed a little help, and then proceeded to say, "I'm busy" and usher us out, closing the door. A few minutes later, while I was in his room folding clothes only a few feet away, the bathroom door opened and Gavin held out the basin of his potty chair to Jota because Jota had been waiting expectantly at the door, and said, "Jota, I peed." And sure enough he had. He even carried the basin into the kitchen to show Stacy and best of all he didn't spill a drop. It was very exciting for all of us.
I know I talk about poop too much and I am sorry for that. But as I told Laura today, so much of my life is, literally, shit these days.