Trying to figure this whole parenting thing out.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Jan. 14, 2011: Blowing noses and kisses

I don't like tantrums for some reason. I know most parents love them, but not me. If only Gavin had the courtesy to respect this and not throw tantrums. Alas, he is a toddler, and "courtesy" is not in the toddler vocabulary. "Shit" sometimes is, but that's usually an accident on the parents' part.

Thankfully tantrums were at a minimum today. All in all today was pretty good. It's Friday, which means I'm home with Gavin. We hung out and played and he ate and slept and I tried to get work done but largely failed. I did get a cute picture of Gavin and Emma, however, and that's got to count for something.

Gavin's becoming quite a good kisser. Kissing used to be him basically licking your face or coming at you like a sucker fish all open mouth and lips. But he's gotten pretty good at relatively normal kisses. He even blows kisses now, which is adorable. Although he once blew me a French kiss where he licked the palm of his hand and then pressed it against my face. He makes kissing sounds now and thinks it's quite funny to kiss Stacy's tummy. Stacy frequently kisses his belly and makes him laugh, so he wants to return the favor.

He can also blow his nose now. I mean, he's not like an Olympic Nose Blower or anything, but he has the concept down. When I got him up from his nap today he was crying (that's been the trend lately, waking up crying) and so his nose was runny. He pointed to his nose and I said, "Yep, we need to wipe your nose" and once the Kleenex was near his face he started to actually blow out of his nose. In the past his tactic was to perform heavy open mouth breathing into a tissue and then stuff it back into the box. I'm hoping that this new nose development also comes with a throw it in the trash upgrade. We'll see.

I think he may have said "mouth" while pointing at my mouth shortly after the nose-blowing. He reached out and touched my lip and said, "Mou," like "mouth" without the "th" sound. The other day he touched a screw hole on his crib and said, "Bu" as if starting to say "button." He's pretty into buttons right now. If I'm wearing, say, a button down shirt, he will be sure to point the buttons out to me. Then he pointed to his pajamas, which have sports balls all over them, and he pointed to one of the balls and said, "Ba" as if beginning to say "ball." He's still very consistent with "mas," Spanish for "more," which he does along with the accompanying baby sign language hand gesture. He also says "down" and "up" and "op" (for "open"), "sit," and "yeah" in answer to questions. He has started to say "woof woof" when he hears a dog barking and he makes "vroom vroom" noises when he plays with his cars and trucks.

I'm fairly certain he knows his colors. I guess I shouldn't say "fairly certain" because that makes it sound like I'm not confident in my son's abilities. I am, but I've never had kids before and I guess I'm worried about being one of those moms who way over-hypes her son's abilities because she thinks he's the spitting image of genius and beauty. But on more than one occasion he's repeatedly pointed to the right color object when I asked him. Most recently he had three stacks of colored plastic bowls that my mom gave him and when I said, "Where are the red bowls?" he pointed to the red bowls and so on with the red and yellow ones, too. And I asked him several times and he always got it right. So he knows basic primary colors. I don't think he'd be able to point out periwinkle or sage or anything like that, but he's not exactly vying for the youngest ever editor of Martha Stewart Living or anything.

The other day I was having a bad day and so I put, "Today is not my best day" as my Facebook status. I got a comment from Laura that read, "I just read your status out loud to Stacy and she said, 'Oh no!' and then 30 seconds later yelled, 'You should tell her her son is balls out and eating his foot!'" And it actually did help tremendously.

1 comment:

  1. BOOORING. Let us know when he's an Olympic Nose Blower or the youngest ever editor of Martha Stewart Living.
