Trying to figure this whole parenting thing out.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Wednesday, June 8, 2011: Sentence level

Full sentences. Short ones, mind you, but full sentences. The other day while he was in bed with Stacy and I nursing (yes, he's still nursing. Twice a day for the most part, before bed and in the morning. It occurs to me that some folks might think this is weird. I can recall many a person saying that it's time to stop nursing once the child can ask for it because that's creepy. And I would have been inclined to agree before I had my own kid. But it's not creepy. So there) I started to get out of bed and said, "I have to pee" (I'm very classy) and he repeated it, clear as can be. He just talks so much now. I can't even begin to list all of the words he knows now, both in Spanish and English.

Speaking of which, last night we went out to eat at an Indian restaurant (Gavin is super well behaved at restaurants, by the way. Very patient and quiet) and when the waiter brought Gavin his high chair I told Gavin to say thank you and Gavin said, "Gracias" and the waiter looked at me and said, "He's Mexican?" Uh, yes. Totally Mexican. We found him on Craigslist.

I reported a little while ago that Gavin had peed in his little potty chair. Update: no more waste of any kind has been expelled into said potty. When he's naked he often says he wants to sit on it to pee, but that lasts all of two seconds and he's off running bare ass down the hallway.

A lot of thumb sucking advice from strangers the older Gavin gets. I may have already mentioned this, but several times now people I hardly know (the lady at the pharmacy) to people I know not at all (a.k.a. strangers) have taken it upon themselves to educate/inform/reassure me about Gavin's thumb sucking when they see him doing it. Thanks, everybody! I really appreciate your concern, not to mention the veiled insinuation that I'm either clueless or a bad mom. I know a thing or two about thumb sucking. I sucked my thumb until I was 30. Actually, that's not true. And not funny. I would be really said if Gavin was an adult thumb sucker because that's a little weird. But I did suck my thumb until before Kindergarten (approximately. I wasn't exactly keeping my LiveJournal updated back then) and I turned out (arguably) okay. So sure, maybe we'll want to discourage it at some point, but I think it's a little too early to be worrying about this.

Gavin is going to be two next month. It's pretty amazing that he is both already two and only two. Apparently I am not the only person surprised by this as my dad thought he was turning 3. "He just...well...looks fucking bigger!" he wrote in an email. "But a cute vato nonetheless." See? I told you Gavin was Mexican.

Back in December I mentioned that Gavin attended a birthday party at Pump It Up and how much fun he had there. Stacy and I have been mulling over having his 2nd birthday party there ever since. Yesterday I finally sealed the deal and booked my boy a party at "the Inflatable Party Place." The cost of the party is around $200 which isn't an astronomical amount, but I can't help but be very cognizant of the fact that $200 IS a lot of money for kids who don't have things like, oh, food. Last year we suggested people make a donation to the North American Bear Center and NABC received a minimum of $125 in donations (not everyone who donated told us they did). Not bad work for a one-year-old. So this year we're thinking of what organization or charity to suggest for folks who want to donate in honor of Gavin (mind you, we're not asking for donations in lieu of gifts because I've found that this makes some people angry -- ahem, Lisa -- because they feel it takes all of the fun out of things. And I totally see that point. But it is also totally fine with us if the donation IS the gift. Gavin's just a really fortunate kid and if his birthday can do a little good in the world then amen). Stacy said we should think of something that Gavin would choose if he could. Right now he's obsessed with garbage and garbage trucks, firetrucks, and construction vehicles. Feel free to leave any suggestions in the comments.

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