Trying to figure this whole parenting thing out.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Week 21 Day 3: Electric avenue

Gavin woke up at the ass crack of dawn again today (5 a.m. in fact). I had a really hard time sleeping and so I actually didn't mind him getting up so early as it was a good excuse for me to get out of bed and stop trying to fool myself that I had any possibility of falling asleep.

With such an early start to the day we had time to go for a walk before Stacy left for work, which was good because the weather report said it was going to be 87 degrees later. Not good walking weather. I don't think I've ever been on a walk at 6 a.m. before. We had to coax Henri out of his bed to get him to come with us. He was not all about our dawn stroll. He really likes his sleep. He's like a furry, stinky, 13 lb. teenager in that way.

Gavin was also sleepy on the walk (note the photo Stacy snapped of him yawning). In fact, he was tired all day. Both his morning nap and his afternoon nap sucked ass. This left him very clingy and short-fused all day and as a result left me exhausted and without much in the way of a break.

I did, however, take a moment to call my cell phone company to activate my new Blackberry per the instructions stickered to my phone. For some reason I thought this would be along the same lines as activating a credit card where you don't necessarily talk to a real person. But I did talk to a real person. I don't remember his name, but his voice sounded just like the movie trailer voice guy. Not the guy who died, but the guy who came after the guy who died. In any case, the guy walked me through this involved process of setting up my phone which took a lot longer than I'd anticipated and Gavin was not at all happy that I was on the phone. I ended up giving him my old cell phone to play with and that made him temporarily happy, but he soon realized that I had two phones, the home phone and my new phone, and he wanted those, too. I had to ask the guy to hang on multiple times so I could tend to/try to distract Gavin. It's ironic considering the fact that I told a friend's mom that I was getting a Blackberry because I'm always looking for new ways to neglect my son. Mission accomplished. Mom of the Year, here I come.

We had an electrician come and move an outlet for us in the living room. We're trying to make the electricality (not a word. I made it up) of our house more baby friendly. This new outlet eliminates an extension cord (baby death trap) in our living room and relieves a very crowded outlet. Unfortunately while we solved one problem, Gavin made me aware of another. In his room is a outlet that has nothing plugged into it so we have those little plug guards in there so Gavin doesn't stick his tiny baby fingers (okay, they're actually pretty fat, but still) in there. Well today Gavin decided to bypass the plugs and instead grabbed the top of the outlet plate and pulled the whole thing away from the wall. I nearly had a heart attack. But thankfully neither of us was harmed.

Stacy just came into the living room and whispered, "Gavin's bedroom door is open. I think we should go peek at him." I thought this was a fine idea, though I was worried that we would wake him up and I've already said his sleep quality today as been sub par. But he looks really beautiful when he's asleep and it's something that Stacy and I don't get to see a lot any more. When he was a wee newborn thing he would fall asleep anywhere and everywhere. But now he's Mr. Go-Go Gadget Thunderpants all the time. The only time he passes out in daylight is in his car seat, which doesn't happen all that often because it's something we try to avoid (We find that car seat disco naps really F-up his next nap because he's been tricked into thinking he's already had a nap). In any case, I am happy to report that we didn't wake him up. I couldn't see his face really clearly because, you know, dark. We didn't want to turn too many lights on obviously so we only flipped on the hall light. But his face looked both serious and serene, his usual sleep face. He's wearing his pink ladies nightgown (actually a pink sleep sack. Laura came up with the name. And no we didn't buy a pink one to make him gay. The pink one was for whatever reason half the cost of the blue one and I'm a girl who likes a savings. Plus it's for sleeping. It's not like I put him in magenta glitter jelly shoes and take him to the mall). he's on his stomach with one arm tucked underneath him and the other flung out to the side. He's facing out. He is, literally, dreamy.

Sometimes I am amazed at how much noise Stacy can make at night considering we have a sleeping baby in the house. Like just now I swear it sounded like she was wrestling with the metal garbage can in the bathroom. All I can say is I hope that she won.

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