Trying to figure this whole parenting thing out.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Thursday, Sept. 9, 2010: Apple Cake for all

Happy Jewish Apple Cake Day, everyone! Gavin and I celebrated in style with an actual Jew in our home who brought us real Jewish apple cake. (Confidential to Amber: thanks for the Apple Cake! It was great to see you! Happy New Year! L'Shana Tova, and all that! So many exclamation marks!) Gavin had some apple cake and he seemed to like it okay, though he did drop a big chunk on the floor for the dog, but he's a baby, what do you want? I repeat: he's a baby. This was not an act of toddler anti-Semitism. I mean, if you think about it, it's really an act of love because Henri loved himself some off-the-floor apple cake. So everyone's happy on Rosh Hashanah in the Witkowski house. Is that so wrong?

Okay, "everyone's happy" here is relative, Rosh Hashanah or no. In truth, I was exhausted today and remain so. Gavin was happy in fits and starts, but he was also very clingy, obstinate, and prone to screaming when he did not get his way. Or when he tried to stand up whilst under the kitchen table. Bump goes the head. I have explained this to him more than once, but he's a student at the school of hard knocks these days. I told him he could just go to the Montessori school of mild bumps instead, but, like I said, he's obstinate.

So, yes, the clingy-ness (a.k.a. "koala bearing"). Not as bad as Tuesday, but still a lot of "hold-me-or-I'll-screams." He was also more tired than usual today, which isn't surprising seeing as he was at day care yesterday and that's a big jolt to a little guy's life. Things went well at day care as far as I know. Stacy didn't have much information to give me (she picks him up and drops him off since it's pretty much where she works), though no fault of her own. But he apparently napped fine and ate fine, which is half the battle, right? Stacy said he was sitting at the weird table eating when she got there and he burst into tears as soon as he saw her and wanted her to pick him up. He missed her. And I missed him, all day. The first day of class went fine, but I high-tailed it out of there after my last class so I could get home in time to give him a goodnight kiss. I made it, just barely. I plan to do the same thing tomorrow. But from now on Mondays and Wednesdays I will only get to see him in the morning because I won't make it home before it's snoozer time for Bear.

I think that Gavin may have said Mama D today, but I can not say for sure. It sounded a lot like it, but he was not looking at me and there was the background sound of the dishwasher and whatever Gavin was dragging/pushing/pulling across the floor at the time (it's always something). But I said it first and he just might have parroted it. Still, "dog" is his favorite, most often used word, followed by "outside." A boy's got to have his priorities.

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