Trying to figure this whole parenting thing out.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wednesday Sept. 30, 2010: Morning fluidity

This morning Gavin woke up soaked in pee. His diaper just couldn't contain a very prolific night of urinating. The onesie he was wearing under his PJs had wicked it up his entire body and Stacy declared that he needed a bath because sending your pee-soaked child to day care like that shows poor judgment at best, neglect at worst. "Strip him down while I run the tub," she said. And so I did. Off went the pee soaked onesie, PJs, and sleepsack. I then put him down for a quick streak into the bathroom. He took two steps and started peeing on his bedroom rug. My first instinct was to reach out and grab him, as if my hands could somehow stop the pee or magically turn absorbent. My second instinct was to grab something near by, like a diaper or some clothes, but the only thing within reach was a white teddy bear filed with lavender his Grandma Kathy gave to him. I finally decided on a containment strategy: hold him by his shoulder so at least he wouldn't streak while peeing, thereby limiting the to one spot. With some splatter, mind you, since he reached out while he was peeing and grabbed his penis like, "What's happening down there?" In any case, I get him into the bathroom and while I'm cleaning the pee Emma, my sister's 14-year-old greyhound who is staying with us for the time being, took a dump on the kitchen floor. She's old, and when she has to go, she has to go. I was too distracted from Gavin's pee to even notice she'd gotten up. Oh, and I forgot to mention that before all of this happened Gavin puked in our bed. Not a lot of puke, mind you; it was more like spit up. But stinky. So, yeah, best morning ever.


  1. I don't think I can stress enough how embarrassed Emma is not only about the situation, but the fact that her indiscretion is now all over the internet.

  2. On top of all that, mom got a sex change. Guess it was a rough morning. Give me a call if I should fly home to meet grandpa kathy.

  3. Ha. No, Christine, Mom didn't get a sex change. That was a typo (now fixed). But if Mom getting a sex change is what it takes to get you to fly home, then I'm all for it.
