Trying to figure this whole parenting thing out.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Week 13 Day 4: No foolin'

There is a woman yelling at her kids outside right now. It's almost 9 p.m. It's dark. I am thinking they're teenagers. The kids, not the mom. Although the mom might be, too. I have been watching a lot of 16 and Pregnant, so I know how it be. I am hoping she yells loudly enough to wake my sick baby. That's a joke. April Fool's! Or whatever. Also the joke part is about wanting her to wake Gavin. She really was (it is over now, I think) yelling at her kids. Or someone's kids. I couldn't understand most of it. "Get ______ now!" was part of it, followed by what sounded like sass. It's like summer outside. Perfect weather, really. So that means open windows and open mouths, which often means free entertainment and/or horrific displays of neighborhood domestic sadness.

So, yes. 16 and Pregnant. I like to watch this show. I don't like that it exists, mind you, but I find it fascinating. And sad. And sweet at times. But I think perhaps the reason I like to watch it the most is that afterwards I always feel like Super #1 Mom U.S.A. It's not like it's stiff competition or anything, but still.

Gavin woke up about 4 this morning crying and screaming his little heart out. Stacy was trying to rock him back to sleep after she nursed him and he just wasn't calming down. Marilyn and I went into the nursery about the same time to see what was going on. I was holding Gavin at the time and he reached toward Marilyn, which she took as a sign that he wanted her to hold him. It wasn't, but I let her take him anyway. He does this now where he kind of points to people by reaching out to them with one hand, and while sometimes it does seem like he wants the person he's indicating to take him, I think most of the time it's just his way of acknowledging people. In any case, while Marilyn was soothing him Stacy went back to bed and I was stressed out because I feel like I know how to soothe him and I didn't want to leave Marilyn hanging, but I also didn't want to lurk outside the door or anything. But she finally did get him to sleep and as she made her way back to her bed (a.k.a. our couch), the cat pushed open Gavin's door (if the knob isn't turned all the way when the door is shut it doesn't latch right) and started to go in. I grabbed the cat and rerouted him, but when I looked into Gavin's room I saw that his crib rail was down. His crib tent was zipped, yes, but there is now way I was going to rely on that to keep him from falling to his death. So I went in there and as quietly and gently as I could pulled the rail up. So basically I'm saying thank God for the cat. And I never say that.

So. I still feel like garbage today. Gavin is also still sick. This is the plague house. I hope Marilyn doesn't get sick, too. She was helpful yet again today. I didn't get much rest or anything, but since I feel cruddy it's nice to have someone else to take on the bulk of the Gavin care for a few days. I did manage to shower today, so hooray for me. And today and yesterday Stacy came home at lunch time to nurse Gavin, so that was nice. Got to see my wife and Bear got some grub. His appetite is kind of waning since he's sick and all so anything that helps get more nutrition into him the merrier. Marilyn left this afternoon to go stay at her friend Connie's for a few days, but Stacy has tomorrow off thanks to the Lord Jesus Christ rising from the dead and all. And I do thank Jesus for that.

1 comment:

  1. "So that means open windows and open mouths, which often means free entertainment and/or horrific displays of neighborhood domestic sadness." Yet another way your neighborhood in Ferndale and ours in Hamtramck are alike.
