Trying to figure this whole parenting thing out.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Week 14 Day 4: Mr. Sweats

You know, it takes an awfully adorable dude to look cute in sweat pants, but Gavin certainly does. He was dressed in sweats today before his first nap and then we just never bothered changing him out of them. I told him that right now sweat pants are fine and he can even wow the ladies in them because he is a baby and is super cute, but that as he gets older sweat pants will be much less cute and if he want to dazzle the ladies whilst in sweats he'd better be doing something athletically impressive. As my mother in law said while she was visiting, I pay more attention to how I dress Gavin than to how I dress myself (uh, thanks), so I definitely am fearful that one day when Gavin is able to dress himself he will emerge from his room in Florida Gators sweat pants with a Detroit Red Wings t-shirt paired with, like, Crocs or something. Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with the possibility that he might like sports or be partial to specific teams, but orange and blue paired with red and white obviously don't go. Please let my son be able to see that.

Of course, I've already had the conversation with him in my head. The one where he wants to go out wearing an atrocity like the one mentioned above and when I express my concern he asks, "Who cares? Why does it matter?" I have the answer to the first one: "I care." But to the second one, "Because I don't want you to look like an asshole" isn't going to suffice. I mean, it's a pretty loaded issue. It really shouldn't matter what he wears as long as he's happy. And yet, I want him to look good. I want him to look like he owns a mirror and isn't colorblind (unless, of course, it turns out that he is colorblind. It's too soon to tell). And it's hard not to sound shallow while saying, "Because it does matter what you look like. It will always matter what you look like, and anyone who tells you otherwise is lying or delusional." Or, "Because I didn't pick out and pay for a really handsome donor so you could wear flip-flops to church." Not that we're likely to ever go to church. But you get my point. And then there's the whole "because when you look good it makes me look good" aspect. I was not a very good looking kid growing up. The late elementary, junior high years were very rough. And no doubt this embarrassed my parents. Hell, it embarrassed me. When I look back on pictures of that time I think, "Woah, where was my intervention? Why did my parents let me go around like that?" I am sure that as he gets older Gavin will have many things to blame be for, but I hope my effort to make him look mighty handsome isn't one of them.

I have a sinus infection, as I might have mentioned yesterday, so I felt pretty crummy all day. I even skipped my daily walk with Stacy, Gavin and Henri (luckily Stacy took Henri anyway so he didn't have to miss a walk on my account). I tried to take a nap while Gavin took his first nap but that didn't go very well. It's hard to nap when you can't breathe and there is a constant torrent of snot marching out of your face. But I did get many smiles from Gavin, which are the best. He is very quick to smile and being on the receiving end of one of his gap-toothed grins is really awesome.

I had to go to a concert tonight with Laura for our Wonder Twins column (The Drive-By Truckers at St. Andrew's) so I couldn't accompany Gavin and Stacy to Stacy's friend Lisa's house for the weekly party there. Mind you, I don't usually go to this party anyway, but I would have liked to go this time because Stacy was taking Gavin to show him off. When I came home from the concert she was already in bed but she told me that Gavin really liked being at the party, but that by the time they got home it was past 7:00, which is past his bed time and so he was really tired and had a hard time falling asleep. Poor dude. I would have liked to see him in action at the party. I am sure it was more entertaining than the show I was at. Which, by the way, did not help my sinus infection.

Speaking of the show, I was a little late getting to Laura's tonight because I took a detour to Babies R Us to get Gavin a phone. I hope he likes it. He's become kind of obsessed with the home phone here and so I figured it was time he had his own. Besides, it'll be good to know that I can always reach him wherever he is. I just have to figure out how to set up his voice mail for him now.

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