Trying to figure this whole parenting thing out.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Week 15 Day 2: Grown ass woman

Apparently morning naps are for babies and Gavin is too old for that shit now. Because he wasn't having it today. No way was he going to sleep between the hours of 8 and 10 just because he was clearly tired and yawning and crabby. Such is the logic of an 8 month old.

And so we were crabby. Maybe me more than him. It's hard to tell sometimes. Actually I wasn't that crabby, just tired. Being awake is hard regardless of your age.

So after his no-nap I gave him some grub and loaded him in the car for CVS where I'd planned to get the photos we took on Sunday at Grandpa Gary's developed. Except the one by us doesn't do that any more. They only deal with digital photos now. They looked at my little disposable camera and told me to go back to the 80s. So no grandpa photos yet. I would have tried going somewhere else but Gavin screamed like a mad man when I put him in his car seat after we left the store. He cried when I put him in his car seat before we left the house, too. While he was quire good in the store, very happy to have his own sale circular to crumple and hold (though not to put in his mouth because his mom is a total drag). But I didn't want to push my luck.

So that left me at home on a rainy day with a no-nap baby, hours to go before his next feeding and scheduled nap. We played in his room with toys. He scaled everything he possibly could, including me. It's like, "Dude, that's my face, not a hole in a rock wall." He also stood by himself today completely unassisted, no hidden wire or strings, for five full seconds. That's our standing record. I will let you know when he beats it. We also went for a walk today and I got an earache from the wind even though I had cotton in my ears. It was too warm for a hat (for me, not for Gavin. He had a little skull cap and his hood on). It wasn't a bad earache or anything, but I hate that even warm summer breeze can tie my eardrums in knots. I would like to state for the record that I hope Gavin has hearty ears that can withstand wind. And hail. And fire. And all elements natural and man made. Amen.

Tonight I got to go on a date with Rosemary. She bought me dinner for my birthday (Rosemary is a long standing practitioner of the Extended Remix Birthday). It was nice nice nice. Grown ups! Eating warm food! Talking without worrying about other peoples' butts. I'm hoping we can do it again before my next birthday.

1 comment:

  1. You should have gotten an apple fritter if you were at the CVS on 9 Mile. That would have made everything all better.
