Trying to figure this whole parenting thing out.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Week 17 Day 4: Puff the magic Gavin

Another day, another bruise. Or two. Or three. Or four. Or five. Actually, two are new bruises I think, both on his forehead right above the nose between the eyebrows, one is an old bruise on his cheek that is fading to that sickly yellow color as bruises do, one is a red mark of indeterminable origin on the right side of his forehead, and one is a drool-induced chapped cheek. Oh, and I forgot the cat scratch across his hand. So I guess we're totally six injuries right now. And, really, "injuries" is not the right word. More like he's displaying the cost of doing business as a 9-month-old eager to explore the world beyond his physical capabilities to do so.

Speaking of cheeks, my mom came over today to babysit for a couple hours while I went to an appointment. When I came home Gavin was waking up from a sadly truncated nap. I went in to try to soothe him back to sleep and saw that one of his blackout curtains was on the floor and that the blinds weren't closed on either window. Needless to say, it was a lot brighter in there than it usually is, which may be why Gavin woke up and couldn't go back to sleep. I hung up his curtain while my mom checked his diaper. She declared it all clear and attempted to put his diaper back on, but she was thrown off by the fact that these particular style of diapers have a picture on both sides and put the diaper on him backwards. He was truly freaking out on account of hating to be horizontal and not having a good nap and so she just said, "Oh well, still works," and fastened the tabs. I tried and failed to get him to nap again and when I brought him out to the living room and zipped him out of his sleep sack, one entire baby butt check was hanging out of his diaper. Now, I'm not a diaper scientist, but I have a feeling that both cheeks need to be inside for it to work properly. I am very thankful that Gavin did not test that theory during the brief, but no doubt uncomfortable, time he wore his assless diaper chaps.

Gavin had a small motor skills breakthrough today during lunch. My mom sprinkled his tray with some baby puffs while she made up the rest of his lunch, and he actually picked them up and put them in his mouth and proceeded to eat them. When my mom told me this I said, "Wait, he ate what?" because he has never done this before. We've been giving them to him since Feb. 27 (I know, because we have a video of the first attempt) and he has never been able to pick them up before. He's managed to get them stuck to his hands, but even then he couldn't get them into his mouth. The first time I put a puff into his mouth he wrinkled up his nose and pursed his lips just like when we first gave him peas. The majority of the puffs were actually eaten by Henri after they fell out of Gavin's pants when he was lifted out of his highchair. But sure enough, after his nap fail my mom sprinkled a few puffs onto his tray while he was exersaucing and he plucked them up nearly effortlessly and popped them in his mouth like, "Oh cool, snacks." Think of it as our Hellen Keller at the well moment, if you will (actually, don't. Don't do that at all).

It's amazing to see him grasp little things. Like his toy cars (well, only the taxi is a car. The others are a dump truck and a caterpillar with wheels). They existed largely as things to put in his mouth until very recently. He's seen Stacy and I roll them toward him enough times that he now tries to roll the cars as he crawls. He pushes the thing along on the floor because he gets it. Because he's a genius. And that's the way he rolls.

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