Trying to figure this whole parenting thing out.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Week 15 Day 3: Drugstore fever

I've got this article open on my desktop about abortion and I just can't bring myself to read it. I've skimmed enough to know that it's about Obama's health care reform cave in re: abortion juxtaposed with a woman's firsthand account of her own abortion. Not reading it makes part of me feel like a bad feminist because I know abortion is a very important issue, etc. etc. Then again, the reusable bag I keep in my purse says CHOICE across it in large silver letters -- though the political message, in my opinion, is lost once you put that word on a shopping bag in an uber-consumerist capitalist culture. Add that to the fact that I didn't buy this bag, it was part of a gift basket Stacy won from Planned Parenthood at a concert we were at. But I think the reason I can't bear to read it is because I don't need convincing that abortion is a hard choice to make and that women don't do it for fun or because they hate babies or whatever. I'm already convinced. Especially now that I have a kid of my own. So maybe that's why I can't/don't want to read about abortions right now. Somehow I can't separate it in my mind from the idea of losing him. Even though there is no logical reason to connect the two.

Which reminds me of this baby t-shirt I've seen that says, "Now That I'm Safe I'm Pro-Choice." Very classy. The perfect shower gift for sure.

My mom and grandpa came over today, a.k.a. Grandma Kathy and Great-grandpa Chuck. My mom had mentioned them coming over awhile ago but I had totally forgotten so I was really surprised when they showed up. Gavin was just waking up from his afternoon nap when they arrived, I hadn't even gone into his room yet. When I went in to get him he was standing up and smiling at me. I took him out in his fuzzy yellow sleep sack (or "sleepy sack" as Amanda Carver adorably calls it), his face still flushed from sleep. He was surprised but happy to see my mom, I think, but startled by the presence of my grandpa since he's only met him a couple of times before. Plus Grandpa is a dude and Gavin is much more freaked by dudes than ladies -- and no, not because of his man-hating-lesbian moms, but because it's common and developmentally appropriate to fear strangers, especially big hairy ones, at his age. Though my grandpa would hardly qualify as big and hairy. He lost so much weight when my grandma died (and man do I wish she could have lived to meet Gavin. Definitely the saddest thing in my life).

Gavin did eventually warm up to Grandpa. He even let Grandpa hold him and Gavin didn't seem to mind. Mostly Gavin just wanted to take his glasses off. Because Gavin is way shallow and materialistic.

The music and play table I ordered for Gavin arrived today. It's not as tall as I would have liked, and I'll have to attach some sort of non-slip material to the legs so it doesn't slide on the carpet when Gavin leans on it. But other than that it seems great. Gavin was really into it. He'd push a button or move something to make a noise and then look up at me or my mom and grandpa and smile like, "I did that!" or "Did you hear that?" I'm glad he likes it and for the people who shook their heads that I used my birthday money to get my son a toy, rest assured it is definitely a present for me.

Gavin and I went to two different drug stores today, Rite Aid and CVS. I'd only planned on going to Rite Aid but they, much like the CVS I went to yesterday, don't process rolls of film any more. But the lady at CVS yesterday told me the other CVS further up 9 mile still does. I was hoping to get everything done at Rite Aid since I had a prescription to pick up there, but no dice. So off to the other CVS we went to drop off the film. When Stacy came home the three of us, plus Henri, went to pick up the pictures and take a walk in the neighborhood by the store, a much nicer part of Ferndale than where we live. After we got home I turned around for a solo journey back to the non-photo-developing CVS to get Henri's prescription filled. So I went to the drug store a total of four times today, three of those with Gavin. Amanda claims I go to the drug store more than anyone else she knows, so let it be known that today was a record even for me.

Lisa and Brenden arrive on Saturday! I am so excited for Gavin and Brenden to meet. Granted Brenden is six weeks older and thus the elder statesman of babydom, but hopefully he won't find Gavin to be totally immature. I have a strong desire to kidnap them both. "Them" being Lisa and Brenden since Gavin already lives here.

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