Trying to figure this whole parenting thing out.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Week 15 Day 4: Soothe, soothe, repeat

Today was Gavin's first onesie free day in, well, maybe his whole life. Or most of it, anyway (we're not counting the nine months in the womb). It was 80 degrees today, which is not the most common April temperature (on my birthday, April 9, Gavin, Stacy, and I went for a walk wearing our winter hats). So I dressed Gavin in a t-shirt and shorts today. Navy blue sweat shorts, to be precise, and he looked mighty adorable, as only someone his age can in sweat shorts. And he was wearing one of his baseball t-shirts, in honor of Amanda Carver and baseball season. Well, really just for Amanda. It was strange to pick him up and see not the fabric of a onesie, but his bare little Buddha belly when his shirt rode up. It also made it terribly difficult not to kiss his tummy every chance I could get.

Last night was a rough night. He woke up at 4 a.m. crying. And then he got up again at 6. He has been sleeping through the night, 7-7 ish, a lot so when he diverts from that it's not only hard on his sleeping moms as far as us being spoiled, but it's anxiety provoking because It's not clear why he's getting up or having a hard time getting to sleep. Growth spurt? Teething? Existential angst?

He had a hard time getting to bed tonight, too. Usually Stacy put him to bed at night, but he went to bed a little later than usual and she was worried she was going to miss her yoga class so after one failed attempt to get him to fall asleep and stay asleep it was my turn to soothe him. After one failed attempt myself, I went back in to resoothe him and he was standing up in his crib (I have to try really hard not to call it a "crate," which is what the dog uses, but to be fair, Henri has been here a lot longer than Gavin and a crib really is a crate for babies, isn't it?) looking and sounding quite miserable. In fact, it was the same as earlier this afternoon when he started crying after a little more than a half hour of his afternoon nap, a nap that usually lasts and hour and a half to two hours. Stacy and I both think that part of the trouble he's having sleeping is the fact that he's more mobile now and thus just sacking out on his back and staying that way isn't the way he rolls anymore. And I really do mean "rolls" as he frequently rolls over onto his tummy to sleep, but then from the tummy position he has mastered sticking his butt in the air and walking his hands up to get into a sitting position. From this position it is easy-peasy for him to scale the bars of his baby crate in order to stand. But then he can't really figure out how to go from, "Hey, I'm standing at the crib rail," to "Hey, I'm comfortably on my stomach and falling asleep.

Some kind of motorcycle/dirt bike/trash on wheels just went down the street sounding like a giant asshole bumble bee. Really, Dude? Really? Tearing through a neighborhood and breaking the sound barrier after 11 p.m.? Classy. Really classy.

Speaking of classy, I watched a shirtless dude visiting the neighbor across the street from me pretend to roundhouse kick a little girl in the head. Super funny! A totally normal adult/child interaction. The thing is, the little girl wasn't even paying attention to him. She was riding some kind of plastic pony with wheels. The people who saw it were his friends on the porch, for whom this had clearly been intended as entertainment. It's a shame Stacy and I didn't meet this guy before picking our donor.

One successful trip to Trader Joe's, and then another to Walgreen's Another action-packed day. After Stacy got home we all went for a walk. At one point we passed a tree with really large pink flowers that smelled really good on it. Some of the petals were on the ground below so I scooped one up and handed it to Gavin. He promptly crumpled it in his fist and tore it into pieces. So much for Grandpa Gary's nature lesson.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! He has a great sleep pattern going! 7-7!? I only wish. Genevieve woke up every hour on the hour for about 6 months. Then she calmed down to 3 times a night. Now she sleeps through the night half the time. I think she believes we bring out the ponies and cotton candy after she goes to bed because she really hates sleep.
