Trying to figure this whole parenting thing out.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Week 2 Day 4: Cat food victory

Gavin and I went out today. Like in the car. To a store. Pet Supplies Plus, to be more specific. Jasper was out of cat food. Something had to be done (in truth, it was hardly an emergency. Jasper is a really big guy with noticeable reserves in his gut. "You could put a saddle on that cat!" is how my dad put it). Granted, a trip to the pet store is hardly an epic journey, but it was a big step for us. "A confidence booster," as Stacy called her first trip to the store alone with Gavin (to Ace Hardware, in fact). We can do this. We should do this. We will do this. Which means I'm going to have to start taking a shower a lot earlier in the day (lately I've been waiting until Stacy gets home because there's never enough time to get even a fraction of what I'd like to get done even started). The trick is, our forays need to be short and in between Gavin's nap and feeding times. No pressure.

Having a Baby Bjorn makes taking him out a lot easier, though I haven't found a graceful way to get it on or off or get him in and out of it. It helps tremendously that Stacy figured out how to adjust it to make it bigger (we got it as a hand me down from friends so no instruction book). Sadly this didn't happen until this evening when she came home from work and we were suiting up to go for a walk. He was really crammed in there before. I think he'd like being in one of those back pack ones so he can see what's going on in the world. He likes to look around and that'd be easier if his face wasn't crammed into my chest.

These last two days have been pretty good days. Gavin took all of his naps today. He drank all of his bottles. This wasn't always the case. When I was working I taught Monday, Wednesday and Friday and was home with him Tuesdays and Thursdays once Stacy finished with her maternity leave in November. Gavin had grown quite fond of Booby Cafe and when I tried to give him a bottle he'd cry. He's no dummy. We'd actually drive up to see Stacy during her lunch period so he could nurse. Although it was nice to see Stacy during the day, it put an extra kink in our day. We had to be there exactly at 12 which meant that if he was napping I had to wake him and if he needed to be napping, I had to keep him up. Gavin is a lot like Stacy in that when he is tired and hungry he pretty much breaks down and no longer functions. He cries more than Stacy, but not by much.

Stacy reported that last night was really good. No prolonged crying. I was totally unconscious, though I remember slipping into a semi-conscious state at one point when Gavin was crying and it felt like he'd been crying for hours but he'd actually cried for five minutes. I went to bed at 8:30 last night. I'm pretty sure my Grandma Helen stays up later than that. It's past 10 now I am pretty much fighting unconsciousness. Might as well give in before Gavin wakes for his first night feeding.

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