Trying to figure this whole parenting thing out.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Week 3 Day 1: Shot to the heart

Stacy had the day off of work today so she was home for part of the day with me and Gavin. Despite having the day off, she went into work anyway to get some stuff done. She was home in time for his doctor's appointment, though. I am happy to report that he is A-OK. He's 20 lbs. 12 oz. and 28 inches. He's got a pretty big noggin, too. He's in the 90-95th percentile for weight, so when I say he's a big dude, I have science to back me up. He is not, as my brother Brian claims, obese. Apparently in his 27 years Brian forgot that babies are fat. Granted if Gavin has this same figure when he's 30, he'll be obese. Because right now when he stands up (assisted, mind you) his legs look like pudding with feet attached. I'm pretty sure he could live off of the fat stored in his thighs longer than Bear Grylls could live off of seagull shit enemas.

Gavin was a champ about his shots today. I can't remember what ones he got (there are SO many) except for polio. He got four shots in his legs. I gently held his hands down and kissed his face while telling him I loved him, and Stacy held his feet. Last time he went to the doctor Stacy had to work so my little sister Amanda came with me and she held his feet. He screamed like crazy. After he was done we made jokes about how Gavin thought he'd just survived Saw 7. In any case, this time around he hardly cried at all. Not that I'm lauding his lack of crying, necessarily. Because he had every reason to cry and wouldn't have been less of a baby because of it. I just take comfort in his crying less because I hope it means it didn't hurt as much as last time or that it was less miserable. Maybe needles don't bother him as much as they did two months ago. We'd better be careful lest he become a smack addict.

Tomorrow I have two places I need to go and will have to take Gavin along. I am very nervous about this, particularly for an appointment I have in Bloomfield Hills, which is about 20 minutes from here. So that's 20 minutes there, an hour for the appointment, and 20 minutes home. Almost 2 hours. Which is really his max "stay-up-between-naps" capacity. The thing is, it's unlikely he's going to wake up at the exact right hour so we can get the timing right. More than likely there will be nap overlap, meaning he'll be awake when he wants to be asleep. Meaning he'll be pissed. He's a lot like Stacy in this way. They need their sleep and things are not okay if they don't get it. Food, too. When Stacy and Gavin are hungry it is a huge mistake to stand in their way. Gavin's motto is right out of Jay-Z's song "Big Pimpin'": "I got no patience and I hate waiting."

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