Trying to figure this whole parenting thing out.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Week 3 Day 3: Shorn poodle

Our big adventure today was dropping Henri off at the groomer and then going to pick him up later. Henri was a fuzzy mess. Basically fur with eyes. Now he's all shorn and he looks like a different dog. I wonder if Gavin knows its the same beast. Gavin is prone to cracking up when Henri looks at him, but he's done no cracking up since the haircut. Perhaps Gavin was really laughing at Henri because of his poodle-fro. I should work on making Gavin less judgmental. As soon as I figure out how to do that myself.

Great moment in parenting today. Gavin nearly pulled a lamp down onto himself. It's not a particularly heavy lamp, just a cheap floor lamp from Target that cost maybe $10. But it was positioned just close enough to his exersaucer for him to reach and sure enough he did. And I knew it was too close and made a mental note to move it yesterday, but that mental note was not a particularly well-sustained one and, well, I forgot. I often plop him into his exersaucer (a hand-me-down from my friend Rosemary) when I'm preparing his bottle because it's somewhere he can't escape from or, usually, get into trouble. He's very fond of it, though when he's done exersaucing (this is a very commonly used verb in our house) he is not shy about letting you know. People have remarked that Gavin has a pretty low-pitched voice for a baby, but when he's had it his voice becomes very high pitched and dramatic. Sometimes this small hysterical demonstration means, "Get me out of this exersaucer, I'm bored." Other times it means, "Why isn't my bottle ready right now? All my other mom has to do is open her shirt and it's buffet time. The service in this restaurant is terrible." Rosemary defines this as a baby determining that his or her parent "lacks urgency."

Gavin has been going to sleep easier with less crying lately. Keeping my fingers crossed that this trend holds. Stacy put him to bed tonight and she said he was out very quickly with no crying. None! I was at Whole Foods looking for some baby oatmeal but they only had the same rice cereal we already had. So I ended up at Kroger. No organic hippie oat cereal for my baby, I guess. Tomorrow will be a new solid food adventure. Stacy went to parenting club tonight (it's a group of parent who have kids born around the same time organized through Beaumont Hospital) and they talked about feeding. Parenting club is from 7-9 and Gavin is asleep by 7 so he only went to the first couple of meetings. So tonight he stayed home with me and Stacy went alone. In any case, Stacy said Gavin is the only kid there who isn't eating a lot of solid foods yet and since we're all about peer pressure, we thought we'd better hurry so he can catch up. Actually, that's not true. We were planning to introduce more cereal all along. It's just that he digs breast milk and gets everything he needs from it. But Stacy can't keep up with the demand since she's at work full time unless she wants to whip the pump out in front of the elementary school kids she teaches. And something tells me that's kind of frowned upon. I have to admit, though, when Stacy came home and reported how many of the kids had teeth or were rolling over or were eating squash now, I worried for a second that Gavin was less developmentally advanced somehow. That maybe I haven't been doing all I can in these past three weeks to help him build crucial synapses in his brain or whatever. Like all the time he's spent entertaining himself in his exersaucer was time I could have been holding up baby flash cards to teach him to spell or dance or sing. Of course, he'd have to really learn how to talk and walk first. Gavin is the biggest kid in parenting club. There is a kid there who is almost as long as Gavin, but this kid is only 12 lbs. Gavin is almost 21. He's a giant.

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