Trying to figure this whole parenting thing out.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Week 2 Day 5: The crabs

Gavin had the crabs today from about 2:30 until well past his bed time. I was hoping that once Stacy got home he'd be reunited with the nipples of his dreams and all would be well again. Alas. We think maybe he's teething. We also thought he might be getting a cold because he was pretty snorkley last night. But he seems fine now. Maybe there is a hair wrapped around his toe (this has been mentioned specifically in more than one of the parenting how-to books as something to look for when you can't figure out why the baby is crying. You're basically supposed to do a strip search of the poor kid after you've tried all of the soothing mainstays). So tonight going to bed was rough. A lot of crying. Hard, "I'm serious about this" crying. When I left the house at 7 he was asleep, but Stacy reported that he woke up crying hard again an hour later. She went to check on him and one of his legs was through the crib slats. My friend asked why we don't have crib bumpers. But I've heard those are a suffocation risk. Hopefully he'll get better control of his body soon so that he'll stop trapping himself.

I went to a show tonight with my sister Laura and her girlfriend Jamie (Aunt Laura and Uncle Jamie, as they dubbed themselves in their Christmas card to us). It was a good show - two bands, Either/Or and Husband & Wife, played in some chick's basement right here in Ferndale. It was a really weird set up, but a good show none the less. In any case, I am really tired right now.

I thought Gavin and I might go over a friend's house today, but she didn't call us back so we stayed home. In our PJs. Actually I changed Gavin out of his PJs and into little pants with monkey feet and a matching shirt. So at least one of us got dressed today. I did shower and change before leaving the house, though, so that's got to count for something.

I got some laundry done today and I vacuumed the living room rugs, something I've been wanting to do for days. I can't stand it when the rug is dirty. But I can't vacuum when Gavin is sleeping and I was hesitant to vacuum when he was awake because he's pretty easily startled (once while bottle feeding him I sneezed and he burst into tears). Most of the time I vacuum when Stacy is also home so she can be on Gavin patrol. But I could not take it any more and put him in his exersaucer and vacuumed right in front of him. He seemed startled but he didn't cry. I kept smiling at him and saying "Loud sounds! Loud sounds!" Henri and Jasper were no help in the putting-the-baby-at-ease department as they both fled in panic. Wimps.

Monday is Gavin's 6 month check up. I'm really curious how much he weighs now. I'm guessing 20 lbs. We'll see how close I am. Because it's MLK day Stacy gets time off of work so we can all go to the doctor's together. During Stacy's pregnancy, when she was getting pregnant and after she got pregnant, I rarely missed a doctor's appointment. I think it's weird how there are never any dads there accompanying their pregnant wives or girlfriends or whatever. Granted, I had a schedule that allowed me some flexibility, but I think for a lot of dudes it doesn't even occur to them to go. That isn't something I get. Maybe it's a lesbian thing.

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