Trying to figure this whole parenting thing out.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Week 12 Day 5: Water water everywhere

It's the end of a long week. At least it felt long. And technically it isn't the end since there's still Saturday and Sunday to go, but today is the last day this week that I'm on solo baby patrol.

Gavin was not as crabby today as he was yesterday and the day before, so I think it's safe to scratch the whole sick baby theory. Maybe he's just a brat. I'm kidding. Mostly. Stacy thinks that maybe he's not getting enough water during the day and thus is getting dehydrated which results in the crabbiness. I am not so sure about this since he's still peeing a good deal and his bowel movements aren't, like, rock hard or anything. (Who even writes something like that? My god, who have I become? A mom, that's what. I'm a mom now, damn it, and poo is a huge part of that, whether I like it or not).

But it's true that he probably should be drinking more water since he's not being breast fed as often or taking a bottle so much. The problem is, he is very resistant to this idea. We've tried two different kind of sippy cups. The ones with the stopper inside to prevent spills that require suction to extract water are a no-go. With the stopper in Gavin gets no water at all from it. Take the stopper out and it's like a watering can. You might as well just have him drink from a regular cup. Which we do, from time to time, and the results always include a wet shirt (his, usually, though mine is not ruled out) and coughing and "Mom, you're trying to drown me" sounds. The other sippy cups work better and he'll actually drink out of them. Unfortunately we only have one lid between the two cups as one is M.I.A. They're Green Sprouts cups, which I got at Big Lots before Gavin was even born for, like, $3 each. If I had only known then what I know now I would have bought all they had. I can't find them online anywhere for less than $5 each, which doesn't take into account shipping. Babies R Us sells them for $9.99 each. WTF?

Okay, I just found them at an online hippie vitamin store for a little over $5 each. In order to get free shipping I had to order myself a box of Tofurkey Jurky. Oh the things I do for love... Or, should I say, the things I do for my son's hydration.

Gavin and I went to Borders and Krogers today for our Big Outting. I wheeled him around Borders (in Birmingham) in his stroller, which means we never went upstairs, but there wasn't anything I wanted up there anyway besides books about raising vegetarian kids, but they didn't have what I wanted in stock. He seemed to dig Borders quite a bit and he got some new books to boot. He has this book called Baby's First Sounds. It consists of photographs pared with one or two word sounds that the object in the photo makes. For example, there's a dog and it says underneath, "Woof." When Stacy first brought it home I thought it was really dumb. But Gavin really digs it. In fact, he's dug the hell out of it -- broken the spine, chewed the edges, marred the cover. So I got him a couple more from the series, including Baby's First Colors, which has a pair of gay pride rainboots on the cover.

Marilyn is still not here. The plan is that she will arrive tomorrow in the afternoon. I hope Gavin is excited to see her and doesn't cry because that would hurt her feelings. The house is so messy. I have much to do tomorrow, which means I should get some sleep.

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