Trying to figure this whole parenting thing out.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Week 13 Day 1: Snot-nosed Bear

Alas, I spoke too soon. Gavin is, indeed, sick, and has been all weekend. He's a sad snot-nosed Bear. Last night I went to Meijer and bought a humidifier for his room. It's not exactly the humidifier of my dreams (an elephant-shaped one would have been nice), but I didn't have much to choose from. Also, if you go to Meijer after 9 p.m. on a Sunday, there is apparently no one there who can help you. There are people stocking shelves who can direct you to the place where they "think" something might be, and there are cashiers who can ring up whatever items you happen to find yourself in the great labyrinthian suckhole that is Meijer. Also, the Meijer Corporation is no friend to gays. But it is open 24 hours, and when you've got a baby plugged up with snot you pick your battles.

As Gavin was already in bed by the time I got home with the humidifier, I got it ready so that when he woke up for his night feeding I could go plug it in. My plan was to be all stealth and shit, but that didn't work out since the cord wasn't long enough and I ended up having to move his little dresser which of course got his attention which of course made him stop nursing. Mind you, I'm trying to set all of this up in the near-dark (the light from the bathroom is all I've got). Stacy was annoyed with me, though he slept super hard the rest of the night and Stacy even had to wake him up this morning to have him nurse before she left for work. And anyway, before she was even through nursing she came into our room with him and said we needed to irrigate him because he was so stuffy he couldn't breathe to nurse. Irrigating means squirting baby saline spray in his nose and sucking gunk out with a snob bulb. This is, surprise, not his favorite thing. But he was so good about it last night. He cried a little bit, but not much. And he did try turning his head and smacking the irrigation tools away, but Stacy was able to hold him while I did the dirty work. And Stacy reported that he had a much easier time nursing afterwards. The humidifier also seems to have really helped but I still do not understand how making the air wetter makes your nose run less.

Also at Meijer I bought a little onesie that says "I ♥ Grandma" on it since his grandma is currently visiting and staying with us. That would be Stacy's mom. I even did a late night load of laundry so that it would be clean for him to wear first thing this morning. She came in while I was getting him dressed and his "I ♥ Grandma" onesie was, in fact, all he had on since I was changing his diaper. Not exactly how I expected the reveal to go, but hey, she still thought it was sweet.

With Gavin being sick it was really nice to have someone else here to look after him. But it's also stressful to hang with my mother-in-law all day. So I am pretty tired out. But she adores Gavin and that really, really helps. Tomorrow Stacy has to work late because she has a meeting after school, so it will be an extra long day. The weather is supposed to be nice, so hopefully Gavin is feeling well enough to go for a walk. That would be good for all of us, I think.

Even with snot running down his face, Gavin is still the most beautiful boy in the world. Though chances are good he will be up at 4 again all crudded up, so I should really get my ass to bed so I can be of use when the time comes.

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